I know I haven't written in a while but today is a new day. So where do I start I have this problem this ..yeah it's a problem well now I got it under control..... kinda sorta. Ok well I'll just spit it out, I have very short lived crushes, wait I just defined & used the word in the same sentence...did you understand that, cuz a crush is basically defined as a short lived infatuation. Ok so im mildly infatuated with these....most likely I haven't met you yet individuals. Yes i only have crushes on those who are currently unavailable & probably if they were available I wouldn't even be interested,,,for what I could have em if i wanted em....COCKY...NO!! CONFIDANT....YES....LOW SELF ESTEEM....NEGATIVE....HIGH SELF ESTEEM .....MOS DEF WITHOUT A DOUBT. It is usually never a sexual thing ....or so I tell myself this, but It's always mentally.. it usually is for women right?. So I don't go overboard with it but in my head im constantly daydreaming about this person, wondering what they're like, where the live, how they sound (yeah sometimes I haven't even spoken to them) I know I know it's crazy, but @ least I don't carry through with these thoughts,.....I know they are only thoughts fantasies, NOT REALITY, NOW THAT WOULD BE CAZY!!. So I send these people messages, flirt a lil I'm still learning how to do that. I believe that I have these crushes because well I'm shy, (shut-up people who know me) I am shy, I'm nervous, I'm a clutz, a nerd
I don't take rejection kindly....(who does?) & I firmly believe it's healthy, if I am in a relationship, I'm very much faithful & do not follow through with any of my mind teasers. So who know's who'll be my girl crush this week or next It could be you ....but i'd never tell :-O*