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New York, United States
soo much give me a minute

Love it has no Boundaries & it doesn't discriminate


Never just black n white always gray areas

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Who doesn't know what they want? Many pple but sometimes I believe we just scared to ask for what we really want. Why? it is us ourselves we should be looking out for why should we settle for anything other than what we deserve, why do pple settle? Why do pple go for the lies the bullshit the jeolousy, overly controlling you, the hurt, unfairness, the selfishness, just childlike behavior. I know what i need I need someone who can be there for me in every possible way. I need someone who listens to me who lets me poor my heart to them without interruptions, without grown ass adults being rude & interrupting our conversations (children r ok). I need someone who wants the best for me whether there giving it to me or not. I don't need someone who makes excuses all the time who drinks & smokes all the time who doesn't seem to be doing anything with there life,BUT FEELING SORRY FOR THEMSELVES who ain't doing anything & ain't trying to do anything with themselves. (sorry had to get ghetto lol) I DON'T NEED ANOTHER FUCKING HOMOSAPIEN SELLING ME ANOTHER FUCKING DREAM I HAVE MY OWN DAMN DREAMS. I DON'T NEED SOMEONE TRYING TO HOLD ME BACK TELLING ME SHE DOWN BUT ALWAYS COMPLAINING WHEN I'M OUT THERE BUSTING MY ASS IN SCHOOL @ STUDY GROUPS TRYING TO GET MY STUDY ON SOOO I CAN GET THAT JOB, HAVE THAT CAREER WHERE I'M HAPPY & CAN PROVIDE FOR MY FAMILY. I HAVE GOALS I HAVE DREAMS I STILL HAVE HOPES & AMBITIONS. YOU TRYING TO HOLD MY TRAIN BACK INSTEAD OF JUMPING ON. I DON'T WANT YOU IF ALL YOU DO IS BITCH & COMPLAIN BUT HAVE NOTHING TO BRING TO THE TABLE OTHER THAN UR LOVE I DON'T WANT YOU. IF I HAVE TO PAY FOR YOU ME MY KIDS UR KIDS & EVERYBODY ELSE I DON'T WANT YOU. I DON'T NEED ANOTHER TYRONE EVER. CALL ME WHATEVER. Materialistic is what i'm not I just want to be complete, happy, not stressed,not stressed, not stressed. Not stressed about how i'm going to pay my light bill this month, or whether i'm going to have enough to go food shopping. None of it none of it. Is it sooo wrong that i want my DREAM MATE. I guess it's all a dream, but 'I WON'T EAT YO CAKE NO MO' you can't force feed me no more. I'm sorry but I deserve to be spoiled, pampered, treated with care. Iv'e had the love. WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THAT LOVE IS THE ONLY THING LIKE IF WE LOVE EACH OTHER THATS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. LOVE DON'T MAKE YOU LISTEN TO ME WHEN UR ON UTHERVERSE. LOVE DON'T MAKE YOU WELL WHEN YOUR SICK, LOVE DON'T PAY NO BILLS, LOVE DON'T TAKE THE HURT THAT PPLE CONSTANTLY DISH OUT TO YOU, LOVE DON'T MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE A LIFE TO & JUST CUZ I GO OUT & HAVE A "GIRLS NIGHT OUT" DON'T MEAN I'M CHEATING. LOVE ISN'T SELFISH, LOVE ISN'T GREEDY, LOVE DON'T MAKE IT ABOUT ITSELF ALL THE DAMN TIME. LOVE DIDN'T MAKE YOU LIE TO ME DID IT. LOVE CANNOT FIX EVERYTHING JUST CUZ I LOVE YOU DOESN'T MAKE YOU RIGHT FOR ME & JUST CUZ YOU LOVE ME DOESN'T MAKE ME RIGHT FOR YOU. YOU SOOOO FULL OF YOURSELF GET OVA URSELF. LOVE AIN'T SHIT CUZ IT WAS BUILT ON LIES ALL LIES SMH (i'm so done)

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